Message: “Empowered to Heal” from Joe Comer

Joe Comer - June 26, 2022

Empowered to Heal

The Holy Spirit works miracles through us when we trust in him.

Scripture References: Acts 3:1-19

From Series: "Empowered"

Have you ever watched a well-known preacher on TV or been to a Christian concert to hear someone sing? We often admire those with great talents and abilities. But if we are not careful, we will think that God only uses superstars to do the work of the kingdom. However, in reading the bible we find that God often uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. When Jesus left earth and went to heaven, he sent the Holy Spirit for the purpose of giving us the power to accomplish the mission he has given us. Each of us should discover our purpose in the kingdom and trust God to empower us to do the work he gives us to do.

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