Women’s Ministry: Revealing Secret Sisters!

The Women’s ministry has been running a secret sister program all year. Those who participated received the name of another lady in the church and prayed for her throughout the year.  They also provided gifts and notes of encouragement.  On October 21st the ladies met for a meeting and shared a meal together.  Stephanie Lyas provided a powerful teaching for the ladies that encouraged them to know that they can be more than they imagine through God’s power.

After the dinner and ministry of the word, it was time to reveal the secret sisters.  Many people were really surprised to find out who had been praying for them and showering them with gifts all year long.  It was truly a wonderful time of blessing for the ladies and something they look forward to doing again next year.

The next meeting will be in December.  The ladies will enjoy a wonderful Christmas party together and details will follow as the time gets closer.  Special thanks to Janet Comer for organizing all of the women’s ministry events and programs throughout the year!

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